Share & DR

Stock Information

Garanti BBVA initially offered its shares to public in 1990 on Borsa Istanbul and has become the first Turkish company to offer its shares on international markets in 1993. Since 2014, Garanti BBVA has been qualified for BIST Sustainability Index and BIST Corporate Governance Index and continues to be the only bank from Turkey listed in the Dow Jones SustainabilityTM Emerging Markets Index, after being qualified in 2015.

Listing Information

Garanti BBVA stock trades under the symbol GARAN at Borsa Istanbul Stock Market’s Stars Market.

Reuters Code: GARAN.IS
Bloomberg Code: GARAN TI



Having qualified for BIST Sustainability Index and BIST Corporate Governance Index in 2014, Garanti BBVA still continues to be listed in these indices. Garanti BBVA continued to be the only bank from Turkey listed in the Dow Jones SustainabilityTM Emerging Markets Index (DJSI), after being qualified in 2015.

Equity Analysts & Consensus

Garanti BBVA share is evaluated by research analysts of many leading domestic and international investment banks and brokerage firms. You can find Garanti BBVA's analyst list and consensus estimates here.